AirDroid 3 -- what do we do with this thing?!

Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:08 am in AirDroid Win

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AirDroid 3 -- what do we do with this thing?!

With your original version of Airdroid I was easily able to just use it -- it was self-evident. And I really liked it. It was the only way I found to easily transfer the photo files from my Android phone to my home PC. That was last year.Now, I tried to use it again. It automatically updated to your new version (Airdroid 3), and I am stopped cold. The Android-app shows a bunch of icons, where before it did not. What do I choose? I clicked on "Files", and I see a panel showing all my photos, but not a clue what to do with them. It seems to be nothing but a static display.
Trying to launch Airdroid on my PC -- now apparently you've gone to a desktop-app instead of a web-based one. Ok, fine. But it's unusable to me! All I am seeing is a square window, with "Drag & Drop files here to transfer" in the center, and a grayed-out toolbar along the left, which seems to be useless.
"Drag & Drop files here to transfer" ? To transfer where? Since I am wanting to transfer FROM my phone, TO this PC -- how does this help me?

You had a very nice application last year. What the heck happened? !!
Coffee Admin

Re: AirDroid 3 -- what do we do with this thing?!

With your original version of Airdroid I was easily able to just use it -- it was self-evident. And I really liked it. It was the only way I found to easily transfer the photo files from my Android phone to my home PC. That was last year.Now, I tried to use it again. It automatically updated to your new version (Airdroid 3), and I am stopped cold. The Android-app shows a bunch of icons, where before it did not. What do I choose? I clicked on "Files", and I see a panel showing all my photos, but not a clue what to do with them. It seems to be nothing but a static display.
Trying to launch Airdroid on my PC -- now apparently you've gone to a desktop-app instead of a web-based one. Ok, fine. But it's unusable to me! All I am seeing is a square window, with "Drag & Drop files here to transfer" in the center, and a grayed-out toolbar along the left, which seems to be useless.
"Drag & Drop files here to transfer" ? To transfer where? Since I am wanting to transfer FROM my phone, TO this PC -- how does this help me?

You had a very nice application last year. What the heck happened? !!


Sorry for the late reply. AirDroid Web still exist and you can use it like you do before.

As to send files from phone to PC using AirDroid Win/Mac, you can refer to this guide:
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