Windows Client "Server Connection Interrupted" On Wake Up

Thu Mar 26, 2015 3:45 pm in AirDroid Win

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Windows Client "Server Connection Interrupted" On Wake Up

Every single time I wake up my computer from sleep, AirDroid for Windows pops up in the middle of the screen with a "Server connection interrupted" message, then goes away after 5 seconds.Are you aware of this issue? I know when my computer is offline from the web, I don't need airdroid to remind it to me.

Also, the alt-tab thing is really annoying, as discussed in a previous post.

I'm gonna have to uninstall this app for now, too many annoyances.

Thank you


Just want to say, yeah, I have the same annoyance. Totally unnecessary!


Yeah, this is an, "I'm switching back to PushBullet." issue. It needs a "Reconnect automatically and never show this message again." dialogue.
David Huynh

Re: Windows Client "Server Connection Interrupted" On Wake Up

Yup, I totally agree! I'm hoping this thread gets the developers' attention. Doesn't seem like a complicated fix...
David Huynh
Coffee Admin

Re: Windows Client "Server Connection Interrupted" On Wake Up

Sorry about any inconvenience this has caused. 

When your computer goes sleep, the Internet interrupts and that window will pop up to tell you that the connection is broken. When the network connection restored, AirDroid will reconnect automatically and that window of error message will disappear.

I've collected your feedback and we'll try to figure out some improvements. Thanks!
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