AirMirror stopped working

Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:04 am in AirDroid Win

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AirMirror stopped working

Hi, I would like to kindly report that AirMirror stopped working about 4 days ago. AirMirror was perfectly working on my Windows PC before. The Airdroid (PC app version 3) can detect that my phone is connected, but when I try to open AirMirror, I got an error message:

Connection failed. You can
1. Check if the network is working.
2. Unlock or wake up your Android device

I have reinstalled the app on my phone and PC but issue unresolved.

Additional info:
Phone Model: Cherry Mobile H870
Android Version: 4.4.2

Hope you can help me with this issue. Thank you.
Coffee Admin

Re: AirMirror stopped working

Hi, did you change anything? Try uninstall AirDroid and reinstall to see if the issue remains.

And please attach the logs and exceptions to help us troubleshoot. Thanks.

How to get logs and exceptions
Right click on AirDroid icon > Properties > click Open File Location > logs and exception.

Create a file named log.dll in application support/airdroid/ Open AirDroid and log in. And then Click Finder > click Go > Press Alt until Library shows > Click Library.

RemoteInput.log and AirMirror.log (You may not get this log)

Re: AirMirror stopped working

I have not changed anything on my phone.

I have tried to uninstall and reinstall both the PC and Android Airdroid app but issue still unresolved.

------------Time:6/18/2015 3:45:54 PM---------------
GetBlackList is null3
------------Time:6/18/2015 3:45:58 PM---------------
LAN Connection: Send Ping Success
------------Time:6/18/2015 3:45:58 PM---------------
Remote Connection: Get Data Address Success
------------Time:6/18/2015 3:45:59 PM---------------
Remote Connection: WebSocket Listen Opened
------------Time:6/18/2015 3:46:00 PM---------------
Function Name:ThreadLinkLAN
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
at AirDroid.Android.WebHelper.GetString(String url, Int32 timeoutSecond, Boolean blnAddStamp, AirServerRequestErrorArgs err)
at AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.AirGetString(String url, Int32 timeoutSecond, AirServerRequestErrorArgs err)
at AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.AirGetString(String url, Int32 timeoutSecond)
at AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.ThreadLinkLAN(AirDevice dev, Boolean blnMustPing)

Re: AirMirror stopped working

Just want to clarify that Airdroid (for Windows) is working ok but not the AirMirror feature.

Re: AirMirror stopped working

Same problem as described above on my two devices, started at about the same time ~ 4 days ago (AirMirror feature only)

Asus ME302C tablet
Samsung S4
all devices rooted and on Android 4.3

Re: AirMirror stopped working

Same problem as described above on my two devices, started at about the same time ~ 4 days ago (AirMirror feature only)

Asus ME302C tablet
Samsung S4
all devices rooted and on Android 4.3

------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:27---------------
LAN Connection: Send Ping Success
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:44---------------
Remote Connection: Get Data Address Success
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:44---------------
LAN Connection: Send Ping Success
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:44---------------
Remote Connection: WebSocket Listen Opened
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:44---------------
Function Name:ThreadLinkLAN
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
bei AirDroid.Android.WebHelper.GetString(String url, Int32 timeoutSecond, Boolean blnAddStamp, AirServerRequestErrorArgs err)
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.AirGetString(String url, Int32 timeoutSecond, AirServerRequestErrorArgs err)
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.AirGetString(String url, Int32 timeoutSecond)
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.ThreadLinkLAN(AirDevice dev, Boolean blnMustPing)
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:44---------------
Function Name:ThreadLinkLAN
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.ThreadLinkLAN(AirDevice dev, Boolean blnMustPing)
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.ThreadLinkLAN(AirDevice dev)
bei AirDroid.Android.AirDevice.uDnXc43eg0h()
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:45---------------
LAN Connection: Send Ping Success
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:45---------------
LAN Connection: CheckLogin Success
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:46---------------
Remote Connection: Get Data Address Success
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:46---------------
Remote Connection: WebSocket Listen Opened
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:46---------------
Function Name:LinkWAN
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
bei System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
bei AirDroid.CoreFoundation.Utility.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(Int32 )
bei AirDroid.CoreFoundation.Utility.WaitSeconds(Double timer)
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.xxxxxxxxx(AirDevice , String )
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:46---------------
Function Name:AirSocket.SendPing
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.xxxxxxxxxxxx(AirDevice , String )
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx(AirDevice , String , String )
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:46---------------
Function Name:ThreadLinkLAN
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.xxxxxxxxxxx(AirDevice , String , String )
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.ThreadLinkLAN(AirDevice dev, Boolean blnMustPing)
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:46---------------
Function Name:ThreadLinkLAN
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Der Thread wurde abgebrochen.
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.ThreadLinkLAN(AirDevice dev, Boolean blnMustPing)
bei AirDroid.Android.AirSocket.ThreadLinkLAN(AirDevice dev)
bei AirDroid.Android.AirDevice.xxxxxxxx()
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:47---------------
LAN Connection: Send Ping Success
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:48---------------
LAN Connection: CheckLogin Success
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:57---------------
LAN Connection: Send Ping Success
------------Time:18.06.2015 11:47:58---------------
LAN Connection: CheckLogin Success

Re: AirMirror stopped working

Hi, did you change anything? Try uninstall AirDroid and reinstall to see if the issue remains.

And please attach the logs and exceptions to help us troubleshoot. Thanks.

How to get logs and exceptions
Right click on AirDroid icon > Properties > click Open File Location > logs and exception.

Create a file named log.dll in application support/airdroid/ Open AirDroid and log in. And then Click Finder > click Go > Press Alt until Library shows > Click Library.

RemoteInput.log and AirMirror.log (You may not get this log)

Hi Coffee! Any update on this issue? Thanks
Coffee Admin

Re: AirMirror stopped working

Hi Coffee! Any update on this issue? Thanks

Still looking into this now. Will get back to you when there's any update :)
Coffee Admin

Re: AirMirror stopped working

Hi Coffee! Any update on this issue? Thanks

Hi, you didn't send us the logs of your phone. Please attach it again :)
(You may attach it as a zip file to this forum)

How to get logs and exceptions
Right click on AirDroid icon > Properties > click Open File Location > logs and exception.

Create a file named log.dll in application support/airdroid/ Open AirDroid and log in. And then Click Finder > click Go > Press Alt until Library shows > Click Library.

RemoteInput.log and AirMirror.log (You may not get this log)
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