Flaky Desktop Notifications and SMS Integrationquestion

Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:23 pm in AirDroid Win

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Flaky Desktop Notifications and SMS Integration

So, in the past I've tried AirDroid, but I had to stop using it because of these same problems I'm having now. But, I want it to work...

It should be amazing to be able to send SMS on my desktop and to get notifications. The problem is, I don't get the notifications all the time. I don't know what I need to do to consistently get them. Sometimes restarting the app on my phone works, but even then if I do that it still only works some of the time.

The other issue is that the SMS messages don't stay sync'd I often just don't see a message in there until I hit the refresh button. Are there steps I can take to make sure that these features work as intended? The last time I tried your web interface with the phone app I also had a different phone, the Samsung Galaxy S3. Now a I have a Droid Turbo so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

I'm experiencing this when trying both the Web interface and the Windows Desktop client.

Coffee Admin

Re: Flaky Desktop Notifications and SMS Integration


When you use AirDroid on web, are you using web.airdroid.com? Or Lite Mode (connect with the IP address displayed on AirDroid app) in HTTPS mode?

Re: Flaky Desktop Notifications and SMS Integration

I was using web.airdroid.com and signing in using my Google Account.

I also just got an update (not yet installed) to my phone today for 5.1 Lollipop so I'm going to give the web interface and the desktop client another spin and maybe that will just fix things. I'll keep this tab open and post results when I get time.

Re: Flaky Desktop Notifications and SMS Integration

Seems after upgrading to Lollipop (may or may not be why) that the notifications on the web interface are reliable now and the SMS messages stay sync'd properly. I'm going to try the desktop client next.

Re: Flaky Desktop Notifications and SMS Integration

So I'm using the desktop client again, but it's not giving me SMS notifications reliably. The other notifications seem to work? But SMS is still flaky by either not staying sync'd properly, not sending the messages sometimes, or not showing desktop notifications when I get an SMS. I'll just keep using the web interface for now. Let me know if you would like any more information from me.
Coffee Admin

Re: Flaky Desktop Notifications and SMS Integration

Thanks for the continuous feedback. I've forwarded the info to the developers and they'll look into it. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused :(

Re: Flaky Desktop Notifications and SMS Integration

It's okay. The web interface has satisfied what I'm needing from it for now so it's not a big deal since that seems to work well for me. Have a great weekened!
Coffee Admin

Re: Flaky Desktop Notifications and SMS Integration

It's okay. The web interface has satisfied what I'm needing from it for now so it's not a big deal since that seems to work well for me. Have a great weekened!

Thanks! We'll keep working on it. Feel free to let us know if you need any help.

Re: Flaky Desktop Notifications and SMS Integration

1/31/2016 and this same issue appears to persist in the Airdroid desktop application. Just submitted feedback in the app as well.

Worked for maybe 30 minutes or so, then all SMS notifications stopped. I checked for any settings where I might have disabled said notifications and can find none.

Thank you in advance!
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