SMS Sending Fail

Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:53 am in AirDroid Win

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Brass Decor

SMS Sending Fail

I am using a Galaxy S3 and have been unable to successfully send sms since September 25th as they all fail. Any suggestions please?
Brass Decor
Coffee Admin

Re: SMS Sending Fail

I am using a Galaxy S3 and have been unable to successfully send sms since September 25th as they all fail. Any suggestions please?


Can you send SMS successfully on AirDroid Web? And please attach the logs and exception to help us troubleshoot? Thanks!

AirDroid Win:
Right click AirDroid icon > open file location > logs and exception.
Brass Decor

Re: SMS Sending Fail

No, I can't send successfully. Where is the Airdroid icon on the PC?
Brass Decor
Coffee Admin

Re: SMS Sending Fail

No, I can't send successfully. Where is the Airdroid icon on the PC?

This one
Brass Decor

Re: SMS Sending Fail

That's interesting, I don't have that icon because I log into your website: by entering my email address and password
Brass Decor
Coffee Admin

Re: SMS Sending Fail

That's interesting, I don't have that icon because I log into your website: by entering my email address and password

I saw you posted this issue in the "AirDroid Win" category and thought you couldn't send SMS with AirDroid Win. Sorry about that.

Well, so you can send SMS successfully on AirDroid Web with previous version? Any error msg popped up when you failed to send the SMS?
Brass Decor

Re: SMS Sending Fail

Sorry about the confusion, when posting the question I assumed that "AirDroid Win" referred to an issue won a PC. To be perfectly honest, I don't know what "AirDroid Win" is. I have the AirDroid App on my Galaxy S3 and I log into as previously mentioned. As from September 25th, all messages sent have failed. There is no error message either, just failure. Up until now I have constantly had problems with the connection dropping out (for quite few months, in fact). The error message that displays with this problem is "Connection Timed-out" and it happens after only a few minutes. Unless I can sort this problem out soon I am going to have to consider AirMore and see how that goes.
Brass Decor
Coffee Admin

Re: SMS Sending Fail

Sorry about the confusion, when posting the question I assumed that "AirDroid Win" referred to an issue won a PC. To be perfectly honest, I don't know what "AirDroid Win" is. I have the AirDroid App on my Galaxy S3 and I log into as previously mentioned. As from September 25th, all messages sent have failed. There is no error message either, just failure. Up until now I have constantly had problems with the connection dropping out (for quite few months, in fact). The error message that displays with this problem is "Connection Timed-out" and it happens after only a few minutes. Unless I can sort this problem out soon I am going to have to consider AirMore and see how that goes.
Sorry about the confusion, when posting the question I assumed that "AirDroid Win" referred to an issue won a PC. To be perfectly honest, I don't know what "AirDroid Win" is. I have the AirDroid App on my Galaxy S3 and I log into as previously mentioned. As from September 25th, all messages sent have failed. There is no error message either, just failure. Up until now I have constantly had problems with the connection dropping out (for quite few months, in fact). The error message that displays with this problem is "Connection Timed-out" and it happens after only a few minutes. Unless I can sort this problem out soon I am going to have to consider AirMore and see how that goes.
AirDroid Win is the AirDroid desktop client for Windows :)

Should it be possible that the connection-timed-out is the cause of SMS failed to send?

As to the connection issue, try this guide to see if it helps: [Help & FAQ] Why AirDroid Disconnect Constantly?
Brass Decor

Re: SMS Sending Fail

The WLAN settings were correct so that didn't fix it. I tried downloading the Airdroid PC app but it doesn't seem to load, maybe it is not compatible with windows 10?
Brass Decor
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