The contact picture, its not the correct one!question

Thu Oct 15, 2015 11:07 am in AirDroid Win

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The contact picture, its not the correct one!

When im connected to my smartphone, and go to the messages, the field on the left with all messages from different contacts, shows the right picture, but the field on the right with the content of the messages, is showing the wrong pictures.
The worst, is that i dont even know who are the people on the pictures. They are not my contacts.
Can you tell me how to fix this??
wrong picture2.PNG
Coffee Admin

Re: The contact picture, its not the correct one!

When im connected to my smartphone, and go to the messages, the field on the left with all messages from different contacts, shows the right picture, but the field on the right with the content of the messages, is showing the wrong pictures.
The worst, is that i dont even know who are the people on the pictures. They are not my contacts.
Can you tell me how to fix this??AttachmentsImage


Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. This is a known bug and will be fixed in next update. Pls kindly stay tuned.
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