AirMirror not working on Note 4 (SM-N910F)

Sat Oct 17, 2015 12:35 pm in AirDroid Win

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Carlo Vaiani

AirMirror not working on Note 4 (SM-N910F)

AirMirror actually never worked on this device. This time, I decided to try and investigate this a bit more deeply.
Device is rooted and indeed SuperSU prompts for root request from AirDroid and logs some actions of it:
echo a
kill - 15 9666
chmod 755 /data/data/com.sand.airdroid/lib/
/data/data/com.sand.airdroid/lib/ -p 32002 -s 0123456789 -r 0 -d (very long string; the device id, I suppose) -t 30126
From AirMirror logfile it's quite clear what is causing the failure: process is getting a SIGTERM termination signal (or is sending the termination signal to itself).
Attached are main.log, push.log and AirMirror.log.
(189.24 KB) Downloaded 252 times
Carlo Vaiani
Coffee Admin

Re: AirMirror not working on Note 4 (SM-N910F)

AirMirror actually never worked on this device. This time, I decided to try and investigate this a bit more deeply.
Device is rooted and indeed SuperSU prompts for root request from AirDroid and logs some actions of it:
echo a
kill - 15 9666
chmod 755 /data/data/com.sand.airdroid/lib/
/data/data/com.sand.airdroid/lib/ -p 32002 -s 0123456789 -r 0 -d (very long string; the device id, I suppose) -t 30126
From AirMirror logfile it's quite clear what is causing the failure: process is getting a SIGTERM termination signal (or is sending the termination signal to itself).
Attached are main.log, push.log and AirMirror.log.Attachments KB) Downloaded 7 times


Thanks for the feedback.

According to the logs, your phone is not supported. Samsung has restricted some root permissions. We're going to improve AirMirror, and the new version is supposed to be released in this Nov. or Dec. Pls kindly stay tuned :)
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