Does AirDroid now come with Hahomedia Adware Infection?question

Mon Oct 19, 2015 7:23 pm in AirDroid Win

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Does AirDroid now come with Hahomedia Adware Infection?

Does AirDroid now come with Hahomedia Adware Infection or is it a false positive?

I removed this infection recently and this then caused AirDroid to stop working on startup, so i uninstalled AirDroid, left it a week or so, no infection....

Today reinstalled AirDroid and Hahomedia Adware Infection is back again... :-(

Any Ideas
Coffee Admin

Re: Does AirDroid now come with Hahomedia Adware Infection?

Does AirDroid now come with Hahomedia Adware Infection or is it a false positive?

I removed this infection recently and this then caused AirDroid to stop working on startup, so i uninstalled AirDroid, left it a week or so, no infection....

Today reinstalled AirDroid and Hahomedia Adware Infection is back again... :-(

Any Ideas


Can you attach a screenshot of it? The version of Hahomedia Adware Infection and virus database?
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