Some issues with OnePlusOne Android 5.1.1

Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:56 am in AirDroid Win

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Some issues with OnePlusOne Android 5.1.1

Hi just started to using it looking for an alternative to MyPhoneExpolorer (that is not working with this phone)

Two strange behaviors:
- first, Win Client don't connect to the phone but Airdroid Web does (partially - see next one). No messages, simply don't find the phone
- Airdroid Web connects (e.g. able to send/retrieve SMSs) but can't connect to contact list. The list is quite a mess because of MyPhoneExplorer bug that duplicated many contacts so it's quite big, anyhow keeps on connecting ('pause dots' seen) but it's not able to complete connection

Any thoughts?
Coffee Admin

Re: Some issues with OnePlusOne Android 5.1.1

Did you sign in to AirDroid Win with the same AirDroid account? It shows offline?

How many contacts do you have? Does the SMS load successfully on the web?
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