No desktop notification when conversation list of sender is selected

Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:32 am in AirDroid Win

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No desktop notification when conversation list of sender is selected

I'll try to explain the scenario :

In airdroid windows app:
1. SMS section is selected
2. John's conversation list is selected
3. Airdroid windows app is minimized
4. Another windows app is put into foreground

John sends me an sms.
I do not get a desktop notification of John's message.

But when another user sends me an sms, Erika, I get a desktop notification.
Coffee Admin

Re: No desktop notification when conversation list of sender is selected

I'll try to explain the scenario :

In airdroid windows app:
1. SMS section is selected
2. John's conversation list is selected
3. Airdroid windows app is minimized
4. Another windows app is put into foreground

John sends me an sms.
I do not get a desktop notification of John's message.

But when another user sends me an sms, Erika, I get a desktop notification.


Thanks for the feedback. We're looking into this now and haven't found the root cause of it yet. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused :(
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