widget flyout now gone

Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:13 am in AirDroid Win

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widget flyout now gone

after the last update, the windows desktop widget fly-out is gone. Previously, it used to be a single circular icon, but when clicked would fly-out/expand to show the areas of new actions needing attention. Can't find any setting to restore it. What am I missing?
Coffee Admin

Re: widget flyout now gone

after the last update, the windows desktop widget fly-out is gone. Previously, it used to be a single circular icon, but when clicked would fly-out/expand to show the areas of new actions needing attention. Can't find any setting to restore it. What am I missing?

Do you mean the desktop widget disappears? If yes, you can right-click the AirDroid logo on the system tray, check Show widget.

More detailed guide: [Help & FAQ] Widget of AirDroid Windows

Re: widget flyout now gone


Do you mean the desktop widget disappears? If yes, you can right-click the AirDroid logo on the system tray, check Show widget.

More detailed guide: [Help & FAQ] Widget of AirDroid Windows

Nope . . . and it's working correctly again. The issue was with the widget open on the desktop, normally it would appear as a circular AirDroid icon. When you hovered over the icon a fly-out panel (with phone, message, and text symbols) would appear allowing you to view any activity. A reboot seems to have fixed the issue. Thanks for the reply.
Coffee Admin

Re: widget flyout now gone

OK~ Feel free to let us know if you need any help :)
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