Blurry text and Full screenquestion

Mon May 09, 2016 2:51 am in AirDroid Win

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Blurry text and Full screen

Any plans to fix blurry text in the desktop app for computers with high resolution displays(2560 x 1440)? Also is there any plans to be able to use the desktop app in full screen?
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Re: Blurry text and Full screen

Any plans to fix blurry text in the desktop app for computers with high resolution displays(2560 x 1440)? Also is there any plans to be able to use the desktop app in full screen?

I second this. Using a 4k laptop and as great as this app is, the blurry low resolution is almost unbearable. iOS apps are always built with 'retina' in mind. Please implement this change for Windows. Thanks!
Jacob K

Re: Blurry text and Full screen

Same issue.. 4k laptop airdroid blurry on the app and widget.
Jacob K
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