Theme? Yikes, this is embarrassingquestion

Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:38 pm in AirDroid Win

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Theme? Yikes, this is embarrassing

Newbie to AirDroid... and, well how do I say this? OK, here goes. Love it so far but... went to Catholic Boarding school in the 60's and I have this aversion and deep psychological trauma associated with Android green everywhere in my computing life. Come to think of it that 60's yellow makes me sweat too ;-)

Any chance a muted, more monochromatic dark theme someday soon?

Yeah, yeah, I know. Why don't I use an iPhone? Ha.Well, you see walled boarding school = "walled garden".
Lillian Admin

Re: Theme? Yikes, this is embarrassing

Newbie to AirDroid... and, well how do I say this? OK, here goes. Love it so far but... went to Catholic Boarding school in the 60's and I have this aversion and deep psychological trauma associated with Android green everywhere in my computing life. Come to think of it that 60's yellow makes me sweat too ;-)

Any chance a muted, more monochromatic dark theme someday soon?

Yeah, yeah, I know. Why don't I use an iPhone? Ha.Well, you see walled boarding school = "walled garden".

Hi sorry to hear that

Your voice has been heard. We will pass your suggestion to our tech team and make evaluation of it. Please kindly stay tuned and keep up with AirDroid
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