Notification with Non English character cannot display correctly

Thu Nov 10, 2016 5:29 am in AirDroid Win

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Re: Notification with Non English character cannot display correctly

It's a great service and you won't regret about the quality of your work! Just believe me, it's really worth it!

Re: Notification with Non English character cannot display correctly

Bonjour comment pourrai-je faire pour avoir tout en francais je ne sais oas l'anglais ?

Re: Notification with Non English character cannot display correctly

I also suffer from this, I think the browser which you are using is not support the the multilingual or you have to check the option for multilingual. This was the cause due to which i suffered.

Re: Notification with Non English character cannot display correctly

Thank you very much for the help. I hope that I will become easily able to manage the characters of non English words to be displayed.

Re: Notification with Non English character cannot display correctly

It is very annoying to see the language that we do not recognize. This is a nice way to solve this problem. Thanks for the thread and the answers.

Re: Notification with Non English character cannot display correctly

Some time browser not support multiple languages and showing this type of language. this forum is helpful for everyone. thanks for solution
Niki Admin

Re: Notification with Non English character cannot display correctly

Why the pop-up window in the taskbar only shown them as blank squares? Is it any virus or what? I had received this message a few days ago and I am worried about this. Please give us a good answer soon. continue reading this


Thank you for your feedback.

Would you please tell us more details of your question?

It would be helpful if you could send us a screenshot of the error page.

Feel free to let us know if you need further help.

Best Regards,
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