Since the very last version of Airdroid, I can't use AirIME.
It worked well before, and I don't know what changed.
I have well activated debugging, mirror notifications and root access ; but when I try to connect to AirIME on my PC, the programs tries to connect to my phone but shows after several seconds the message "Connection failed. Please check your network and retry" (it's a litteral french translation because my program is in french).
I checked many things and I don't understand because everything worked before.
Since the very last version of Airdroid, I can't use AirIME.
It worked well before, and I don't know what changed.
I have well activated debugging, mirror notifications and root access ; but when I try to connect to AirIME on my PC, the programs tries to connect to my phone but shows after several seconds the message "Connection failed. Please check your network and retry" (it's a litteral french translation because my program is in french).
I checked many things and I don't understand because everything worked before.