Backups continually fail with "Please make sure there's enough free disk space"question

Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:38 am in AirDroid Win

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Jon Dahl

Backups continually fail with "Please make sure there's enough free disk space"

Hey all,

So I've tried this a few times with a connected Oneplus 3T. I initiate a backup from the device itself and it worked, backing up over 9GB of files from the DCIM folder. Now several other folders fail without an explicit error message. Trying to start the backup again usually has it spool up to 1 or 2% and then give the error: "Please make sure there's enough free disk space". Repeated tries give the same result:


Are there any logs I can take a look at as to why this is happening or what the fix might be? To recreate the problem I delete the backup folder from \Documents\AirDroid\Backup\ and the same failure happens after it goes through backing up over a thousand of the files.

Thanks all.
Jon Dahl
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