Individual log deletion

Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:05 pm in AirDroid Win

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Individual log deletion

File Transfer had a feature to delete logs one-by-one on the Windows client. Now there's only a "clear all" function which I assume does what it says, and I don't want to clear ALL logs, just individual ones. Is it in some place where I can't find it in the newest version?
Niki Admin

Re: Individual log deletion

File Transfer had a feature to delete logs one-by-one on the Windows client. Now there's only a "clear all" function which I assume does what it says, and I don't want to clear ALL logs, just individual ones. Is it in some place where I can't find it in the newest version?


Thank you for your feedback.

We're sorry that so far is can just clear all logs, we will have an internal discussion about it.

Any development, we will let you know.

Best Regards,
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