Backup works but not File Transferquestion

Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:08 pm in AirDroid Win

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Backup works but not File Transfer

I have Airdroid running on Win10, with two devices connected. On one device (Samsung Galaxy S8 phone) backup and file transfer work perfectly. On the other device (Samsung Galaxy Tab A tablet) backup works, but I get "connection failed" messages on the file transfer screen. How can one work and not the other? Any ideas (or pointers to other threads / FAQs) appreciated.
Niki Admin

Re: Backup works but not File Transfer

I have Airdroid running on Win10, with two devices connected. On one device (Samsung Galaxy S8 phone) backup and file transfer work perfectly. On the other device (Samsung Galaxy Tab A tablet) backup works, but I get "connection failed" messages on the file transfer screen. How can one work and not the other? Any ideas (or pointers to other threads / FAQs) appreciated.


Thank you for your feedback.

Would you please tell us more details of your question?

It would be helpful if you could send us a screenshot of the error page.

Feel free to let us know if you need further help.

Best Regards,

Re: Backup works but not File Transfer

Hi. I've been trying to upload a screenshot, but I just keep getting a file upload error message (error 500).

Not sure what mroe I can say. On the Windows 10 screen, if I select "file transfer" I can get backup to work from both connected devices. So far so good. But if I select "files" then one of the devices (the phone) shows its files, but the other (the tablet) just produces the error message "Connection failed ... please check your network connection ... etc." But I know the network connection is OK because it's just been doing backups!
Niki Admin

Re: Backup works but not File Transfer

Hi. I've been trying to upload a screenshot, but I just keep getting a file upload error message (error 500).

Not sure what mroe I can say. On the Windows 10 screen, if I select "file transfer" I can get backup to work from both connected devices. So far so good. But if I select "files" then one of the devices (the phone) shows its files, but the other (the tablet) just produces the error message "Connection failed ... please check your network connection ... etc." But I know the network connection is OK because it's just been doing backups!
Would you like to send us a feedback via "Feedback" in AirDroid PC client with simple steps ?

Here's how to write a feedback on AirDroid PC client:First, find "Feedback" on the menu bar on the left.

Make sure to tick the box next to "Attach error logs" so our developers(yes, the tech guys) can check the issue for you.

Best Regards,

Re: Backup works but not File Transfer

Thanks, done. We'll see what happens next!

Re: Backup works but not File Transfer

Well that was a dead loss. Corresponded daily with tech support for about a week, then they just stopped replying to my emails.
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