Failed to download due to network issues

Tue May 08, 2018 1:48 am in AirDroid Win

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Failed to download due to network issues

I have successfully downloaded many files from my Android device, but I have like 50 MP4 files and 1 JPG that consistently say "Failed to download {filename} due to network issues".

I have made sure my app setting in the Android are allowing all of the features to work. I have tried two different wireless access points from two different manufacturers, so it cannot be the network.

Please assist in resolving this problem.
Niki Admin

Re: Failed to download due to network issues

I have successfully downloaded many files from my Android device, but I have like 50 MP4 files and 1 JPG that consistently say "Failed to download {filename} due to network issues".

I have made sure my app setting in the Android are allowing all of the features to work. I have tried two different wireless access points from two different manufacturers, so it cannot be the network.

Please assist in resolving this problem.

Thank you for your feedback.

When you download files from your device, please make sure that AirDroid is keeping running on background, because sometimes it will killed by the phone's process.

So, would you like to open AirDroid on your device and download again to see if it works?

Feel free to let us know if you need further help.

Best Regards,

Re: Failed to download due to network issues

I have been trying this for three days and it still does the same thing.

Re: Failed to download due to network issues

I am utilizing Android 7.1.1 on a model BBB100-3
Niki Admin

Re: Failed to download due to network issues

I am utilizing Android 7.1.1 on a model BBB100-3

Can other files be transferred successfully except 50 MP4 files and 1 JPG ?Would you like to send us a screenshot of the error page for a further check?

Re: Failed to download due to network issues

I just installed on Samsung S7edge but it won't download anything to my laptop. I've tried pictures and video. No luck! I get the same message.
Failed to Download due to issues. The Internet Connection is working fine.
Niki Admin

Re: Failed to download due to network issues

I just installed on Samsung S7edge but it won't download anything to my laptop. I've tried pictures and video. No luck! I get the same message.
Failed to Download due to issues. The Internet Connection is working fine.

Thank you for your feedback.

When you download files from your device, please make sure that AirDroid is keeping running on background, because sometimes it will killed by the phone's process.

So, would you like to open AirDroid on your device and download again to see if it works?

Feel free to let us know if you need further help.

Best Regards,

Re: Failed to download due to network issues

I still cannot download these files. I cannot download any document on my SD card with the sane frustrating error "Failed to download {filename} due to network issues". Airdroid is running in the background. I can download some files but most have this error. There is not a network issue. I have two wireless access points with wide open bandwidth.

Re: Failed to download due to network issues


Re: Failed to download due to network issues

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