First Timer Experience (bugs)

Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:51 am in AirDroid Web

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First Timer Experience (bugs)

I just found AirDroid and, frankly, was blown away by the initial experience of what I saw and that's not easy to do (I'm an old QA professional and owned the first and largest third-party quality assurance company in the games/multimedia industry for 16 years so I've seen a lot of great--and not-so-great--products).
However, upon further use I ran into some issues:

1. The external SD card on my RAZR is not seen. I see this is covered and being worked on.

2. Clicking on what appear to be links (I get a hand icon) on the Details button for my phone. I noticed I had 2.1GB of photos (which surprised me) and clicked the photos area (again a hand icon appears when I hover over the yellow dot and word "Photos" but nothing comes up.

3. If I click the Photos link at the top of the Details section (in black) then I get three items "Camera Roll (8)", "Wallpaper (0)", and "Other". The 8 in camera roll suggests there are 8 shots but clicking it brings up an empty folder. Clicking wallpaper brings up an empty folder which I expect given the 0. Other has no number (why not?) but loads a slew of images. However, clicking most of those (with numbers) brings up nothing--not even the empty folder icon. Just a blank white page.
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Hi @Agrajag, thanks very much for trying out AirDroid. As for your issue,

1. Some devices have an additional SD card but there is currently no public API for accessing its mount location, and it varies between devices. We are sorry that the external SD card is not supported by the current version.

2. This is a bug and we will fix it in next udpate.

3. Would you please try below to help us sort this out,

1) Please check (on device) if any pictures or folders with pictures under /sdcard/DCIM/

2) Please check (after login into AirDroid web desktop) if any pictures or folders with pictures under 192.168.40.**:8888/sdctl/media/image/camera/ (substitute ** in the address with that generated by AirDroid)

Your support and feedback is greatly appreciated!
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