Can't connect to my Android 5.0.2 (Lollipop) through my computer

Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:51 am in AirDroid Web

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Can't connect to my Android 5.0.2 (Lollipop) through my computer

I've recently installed Airdroid on my Samsung Galaxy A5 and i was so impressed that i bought the 1 year premium package -_-

The next day i was completely unable to connect to my android device through my pc (even the wifi was on and they were in the same network). However after i manually started app on my android device it worked! It seemed like it was in some kind of 'SLEEPING MODE'. I am not sure if the other users out there are experiencing the same issue.

Please help. If i have to manually start the app every time then it is totally worthless to me.
Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 13.50.59.png

Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 13.51.22.png
Coffee Admin

Re: Can't connect to my Android 5.0.2 (Lollipop) through my computer



Please go to AirDroid Settings and check if Push service is connected.

And if you've got some app managers installed in your phone, whitelist AirDroid.

Re: Can't connect to my Android 5.0.2 (Lollipop) through my computer

same problem for me.
i checked my settings for push service and it is on
still facing same problem...whats next step...???
admin plz replar

Re: Can't connect to my Android 5.0.2 (Lollipop) through my computer

Check your AirDroid phone app and verify that, under Settings -> Miscellaneous, that "Start service on launch" is on.
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