AirDroid only seems to work over "cell connection" even though phone is plugged right into laptop?

Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:47 am in AirDroid Web

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AirDroid only seems to work over "cell connection" even though phone is plugged right into laptop?

Hello! I am a new AirDroid user and am now a huge fan, but am having a pretty big issue.

I connect to the internet on my laptop (a Windows 7 64-bit machine) with an Android phone (Razr Maxx HD if it matters). I use PDANet to connect it to the internet, and I use PDANet's USB connection mode. This tethering option is awesome because PDANet hides tethering usage through a bunch of awesome means.

Anyway, when I open AirDroid on my phone, the only option that shows up is through I cannot connect in LAN mode, even though my cell is connected directly to the computer via USB.

Is there any way I can accomplish this? I want to use AirDroid, but don't want to use up a ridiculous amount of cell data doing trivial stuff like file transfers. I can't seem to fix this problem, no matter how hard I try. If it matters, the phone is rooted and the bootloader is unlocked.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!




Going back to MyPhoneExplorer. Thanks anyway.


How many potential clients are we talking about now? This is the first time that I'd ever heard of PDAnet+ ( I have FoxFi on my Nexus 4, but I've never used it. I wasn't even aware that it was feasible to achieve internet connectivity between devices through USB. I thought you could only do it wirelessly. The only device I've ever seen that supports internet connectivity via USB is internet adapters for the Wii/Wii U. I think there's an incredibly small user base for this type of functionality.

Does that mean that he shouldn't have received some sort of response for his trouble, no. But, usually it takes upwards of 5 days to get a response from Coffee_Administrator. And in the mean time, he could have tried a couple other scenarios to see if it was truly an AirDroid problem, or if the issue was with PDAnet+. That would've been more productive than just bailing after a few days.


Hi AirDroidFan23,
Thanks for your love and support for AirDroid and really sorry for the late reply.

As to your suggestion about PDAnet. We've gathered your feature request and have told it to our product team. Our product team will take this into consideration and will try to make improvements in future updates.


We are sorry that we cannot reply all the posts in the forum timely. But we do read them. We believe that all users are of extremely value to us. We will make improvement in this aspect from now on.


Thanks for your love and support :)
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