AirDroid does not list or find all of my contacts

Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:45 am in AirDroid Web

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AirDroid does not list or find all of my contacts

I have 558 contacts on my phone. Strangely, AirDroid counts 622 but it only lists about a third of them (through the letter J for "Jesse" when sorting by first name).
I cannot find (using search) any contact below the letter J, unless...
I select a group, such as Family, which (because it is small) finds everyone in that group.
So it seems to only be able to pull in a certain number of contacts, not all of them, but group filters help.
btw -- Running v1.1.0 beta on Samsung Epic 4G Touch (Galaxy SII) running CyanogenMod 9 (Android 4.0.4).
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