Constant disconnects after short period of time

Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:42 am in AirDroid Web

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Glad to hear that AirDroid performs better on your device. Hope your attempts could do some help.
And our team will keep working hard to make the connection more stable.


[EDIT] - after finding 2.0.4 and reinstalling this version, and I can confirm this is an issue that 2.0.5 has brought on!

I've only just started getting this issue once I upgraded the Android app. Was always fine but now getting disconnects from within the interface.
Not sure if it's relevant but when this happens, the phone is currently on standby/screen not on- but it worked before, so would prefer it to keep that working that way! Defeats the object if I have to turn the screen on.

Galaxy S3, 4.1.2


Just posting in case it helps any users or the developers. The only thing I have found that makes the connection more reliable is keeping the app in foreground (i.e. no exiting by back button or home button). I start app, start service, then lock the phone with the power button. Kind of annoying when I want to use other apps :P

Smells like an issue with android killing unused processes (it is much less likely to kill a foreground process). I guess there needs to be a way to prevent android from killing the process, or send some sort of keep alive from the web interface.

Developers should look at "startForeground" in Android API


I too get constant disconnects. I have a strong wifi signal, etc. I have seen several of these posts and wonder a) is this an on-going issue the developer is well aware of, yet elects to not address, or b) isolated cases. If isolated, why?

I have tried two different Apps to keep AirdDroid 'live', and although AirDroid still appears in the 'Running Apps' section, the notification disappears. I'm not certain which happens first...losing connection, or the AirDroid notification disappearing.

My phone:
Moto Droid RAZR M
Standard, rooted ROM
OS 4.1.2


In all honesty, instead of improving, the new version has taken a step backwards.I hope the issues are addressed right away.
I am constantly using "Remote" connection mode and cannot seem to connect via lan anymore :(


@goodude Would you please try to ping the IP address displayed on AirDroid app on your device? If the ping failed, then your issue is mainly a network problem. It's complex if the ping failed, sorry that we cannot offer you any solutions because there are many factors lead to this. You may ask the network admin for help.


We are sorry for the inconvenience this have caused. There are many factors that cause the disconnection, we will try our best to help you. And our team are working hard to make the connection more stable for more users.
Would you please try this:
Open "Settings" in your device > "WLAN" > "Advanced" > select "Always" in "Keep WLAN on during sleep".


I'v tryed that, and nothing, still dc, also there is a problem with constant re-logging, even if u mark the option "keep loged in for 2 weeks" u need to lg in several times a day (not to mention when u go wit the phone outside and lose the wi-fi)....


Has this been resolved? I have WLAN enabled during sleep. Also it would be nice if the app started with my phone and was already logged in. Just for the record I did pay for the premium service.

I have version on my Galaxy S3, with Android 4.1.2. I just tested launching the app. Loggin into it and connecting from my computer and it worked. I turned the phone on and back on and tried the find my phone and it didn't find it. That worries me seeing that I paid for this and I'm relying on it to find my phone when lost.


Y i also got premium payd - its seckond month now ;/ Still need to relog everytime on www site and lots of losing conection with phone
And i got all sleep/batery save options turned off, i use also other program's that connects web page - phone and they work very good, if the competetytion (that also are programs to send sms and call) can do it, so should U.
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