why does Airdroid over wifi require 3g data?

Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:58 pm in AirDroid Web

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why does Airdroid over wifi require 3g data?

Hello all! I am new to the world of sharing connections...I'm finding things rather confusing!I live in a very remote part of france and have no access to a wifi network. I therefore have to tether using my phones data plan to get any sort of a connection to the internet. Unfortunately there is no unlimited data plan available and am therefore not in a position to allow airdroid to allow access to my mobile network.
I am baffled by the fact that I understand why tethering requires access to my data in order to access the internet, but if I'm simply trying to access my phone using the wifi connection then why does it need to use my phones data plan?
In a similar situation, if I want to print using a wireless printer from my laptop then this doesn't use my phones carrier does it!?
Simply put, can I or can't I access my phone using the phone as a wifi hotspot WITHOUT requiring access to my phones 3g carrier or not?
Thanks in advance.


AirDroid will not drain your data plan. But some software on your laptop might use the data.
In this case, you may disable the mobile data when you use the phone as a wifi hotspot.
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