How do I send an MMS with for instance a picture via AirDroid???

Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:06 pm in AirDroid Web

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How do I send an MMS with for instance a picture via AirDroid???

Try as I might I simply can't find a way to send MMS via Airdroid (with for instance a picture attached that is on the phone), only SMS (and sometimes it seems sending SMS'es has stalled, ie. the animated sending-icon never stops. If I restart AirDroid (and open they're shown as sent.

Latest Firefox 32-bit (for addons/plugins) on Windows 7 x64.


Hi Scyphe,
Sorry that AirDroid now do not support MMS. But we are working on this and will try to bring this feature to you asap.
As to "the animated sending-icon never stops", it seems that the connection is interrupted. We will try to make improvement in this part.

If you have any ideas or suggestions about AirDroid, please let us know :)
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