Lostmode function unlocks the device

Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:28 am in AirDroid Web

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Lostmode function unlocks the device

I have tried the lostmode function on my Galaxy S Advance and it seems it unlocks the device which is absolutely not desired in this situation. Scenario:
- My phone initially locked by a pattern. It is important, if it is locked by PIN unlocking does not happened.

- While lostmode function activates choose 'call' on the device.
- Interrupt the call before it established, and start to save the contact.
- Now the phone is completely unlocked, however pressing home button will activate the PIN unlock screen.

I managed to reproduce it twice.


Hi novaka,
Thanks for your valuable feedback. We will look into this and try to make improvements in future updates. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or suggestions about AirDroid :)
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