Airdroid does not accept a wired connection.

Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:45 pm in AirDroid Web

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Airdroid does not accept a wired connection.

The Android operating system knows many different type of network connections, not just mobile and WiFi. Unfortunately many programmers are not aware of that, and only check for mobile or WiFi. Media players for instance often have a wired network connection as well, and quite a number of programs don't take that in consideration, and just report there is no network connection because they don't see a WiFi connection. This happens with Airdroid as well, so I can't use my PC to manage my Android media player because the mediaplayer is connected with a 100Mb network cable.

There are a few ways to get around this problem. Android will report there is a network connection, no matter what interface is in use. You can then check the type of interface. If it is mobile don't start Airdroid, if it is any other connection start Airdroid. Or if you like you can make an explicit list of accepted network interface types, but not just WiFi.

Can't be difficult to fix, just a few minutes of programming :-).


Hi caesar,
Thanks for your valuable suggestion. Our team will take this into consideration and try to make improvements in future updates. If you have any awesome ideas about AirDroid, please let us know :)
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