Phone and laptop are connected to wifi but Airdroid is still running on Remote Connection Mode

Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:23 am in AirDroid Web

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Phone and laptop are connected to wifi but Airdroid is still running on Remote Connection Mode

Hello, both my phone and my Chromebook are connected to the wifi on my campus but Airdroid is only running on my phone's data. Is there anything that I can do about this? Airdroid works perfectly when I'm at home. Is it my campus wifi or what? Any help please.


I used to be able to connect in LAN mode before, but after moving, the cable company provided me with a new router/modem and no matter how I tried, all I could get was Remote Connection Mode. I searched high and low, here on this forum and elsewhere and nothing anyone suggested helped. This evening I was changing the wifi password on my router when I noticed the section "AP Isolation" and moused over it. Low and behold, this was indeed the reason why LAN mode stopped working! I disabled it and saved, rebooted the router and now it works again!!! I am so glad I figured this out because it was really bumming me out for the better part of a YEAR.


All you guys with this same issue, check your routers for this "feature" and disable it. If you aren't tech savvy, google your router name and "ap isolation" and maybe you will get info on how to access it and disable it.


I'm glad you figured that out! This probably means that there's no way for me to disable this setting, since tampering with our campus wifi is against policy and could get me dismissed from my college. I guess I'll just have to save Airdroid for when I'm at home. Thank you though!


It seemed like sometimes I would have trouble with the mobile network connection sort of overriding the LAN connection. So now I turn off the mobile network connection while I'm covered by WiFi. Then, AirDroid doesn't have any excuses as to why it's using the mobile network instead of the LAN connection.

If that doesn't work, see if you can talk to the IT department at your school. There's a 99% chance you'll get da cold shoulder, but its worth a shot.


@toyanucci, @mgsfan
Thanks for your valuable feedback :) Would you mind if we add your feedbacks in our Help Center?
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