Reconnection after timeout

Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:56 pm in AirDroid Web

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Reconnection after timeout

In the last couple of days I have updated to V2.0.7 and since then the reconnection has become more complicated. Before when the PC session timed out it was just a matter of clicking on the reconnect button at the bottom of the screen and a new connection would be established. Now I have to start a session on my mobile before the reconnection can be be established. How is that an improvement?


Hi mikerans,

Thanks for your feedback and sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Do you mean you need to open AirDroid app to build the connection?

If yes, we are aware of this and are busy fixing this. We've made some fixes on the server, would you please try again? And now we are checking if we can make any improvements on AirDroid app.

Should you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let us know :)
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