web.airdroid.com hang at 100%

Thu Jan 16, 2014 12:35 am in AirDroid Web

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Hi @zechau, I was using Airdroid. Obviously I can't any more, as it is simply too troublesome to enter the IP address each time to use it. But it was a great program before reaching 2.x series ;-)

Testing with Opera yields these errors: (Adding CSS to the mix):

[26-01-2014 16:15:39] CSS - http://web.airdroid.com/
DOM style property
Invalid value for property: zoom
Line 1:
[26-01-2014 16:15:42] JavaScript - http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... ource_2.js
Linked script compilation
Syntax error at line 4 while loading: expected ')', got 'stock'
tImgAssets(" class="stock" style="positi
[26-01-2014 16:15:42] CSS - http://web.airdroid.com/
DOM style property
Invalid value for property: width
Line 1:
[26-01-2014 16:15:42] JavaScript - http://web.airdroid.com/
Event thread: load
Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'Airdroid.CenterManage' to object
Error thrown at line 1, column 2845 in () in http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... fig_web.js:
called from line 1, column 1025 in (e, t) in http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... fig_web.js:
called from line 1, column 1569 in () in http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... fig_web.js:
called from line 1, column 11554 in d(e) in http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... fig_web.js:
called from line 1, column 15585 in () in http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... fig_web.js:
called from line 1, column 12496 in h(e, o) in http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... fig_web.js:
return o=o||i,e.state===I?(o(),t):e.state===M?(D.ready(e.name,o),t):e.state===x?(e.onpreload.push(function(){h(e,o)}),t):(e.state=M,f(e,function(){e.state=I,o(),n(A[e.name],function(e){d(e)}),v&&l()&&n(A.ALL,function(e){d(e)})}),t)
called from line 1, column 15462 in (n, o) in http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... fig_web.js:
called via Function.prototype.call() from line 1, column 10876 in n(e, t) in http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... fig_web.js:
called from line 1, column 15348 in () in http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... fig_web.js:
return r(t)||(t=null),n(e,function(n,o){n!==t&&(n=c(n),i[n.name]=n,h(n,t&&o===e.length-2?function(){l(i)&&d(t)}:null))}),D
called from line 1, column 1025 in (e, t) in http://cdn1.airdroid.com/V2081401231936 ... fig_web.js:

Firefox has these: (Filtered to only show JS errors, as the list would be massive otherwise)
16:20:26.960 The Web Console logging API (console.log, console.info, console.warn, console.error) has been disabled by a script on this page.

16:20:27.217 Invalid URI. Load of media resource failed. web.airdroid.com

16:20:28.437 Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. required.js:2

16:20:47.848 Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ws://ws.airdroid.com:8090/webNode?code= ... ace99aaad8. Login.js:1


Firefox actually gets to the page, where the QR code is supposed to be, but the page breaks down there instead.

Chrome with a new profile (created just to test with), still has the same errors (meaning there isn't any extensions or stuff like that to interfere, as it is a raw profile I tested with)

xxxterm also hangs at 100% - I don't know how to access a console log for that one.

Obviously, I can't test with something like Internet Explorer, as that product is Windows exclusive...

Long story short, I have a hard time believing you can't find any bugs. I've copied them, and linked to sites that show them... Any sane browser should stop processing a JS file, at the first error it encounters. I'd point to the specific line/word that triggers the error, but you've made a huge unreadable mess of those JS files. Putting (almost) everything on a single line. No wonder you have trouble debugging it! ;-)


hey @Dennis_Johansen, you siad:"Firefox actually gets to the page, where the QR code is supposed to be, but the page breaks down there instead."Could you post some screenshots here.
Which version of linux you are using, I am using Ubuntu.


I would give you a screenshot, if it was still the case, but now Firefox locks up at 100% like all the other browsers... Considering the time passed between my post and your response, I have to assume that there has been made changes in the JS code since.
The console logs these JS errors:
14:52:26.546 SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list resource_2.js:4
14:52:26.551 TypeError: Airdroid.CenterManage is undefined config_web.js:1
14:52:29.806 Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. required.js:2
14:52:31.337 The Web Console logging API (console.log, console.info, console.warn, console.error) has been disabled by a script on this page.

Not that I can see the relevance, but since you asked directly, I'm running Ubuntu 13.10 (64 bit)


Does lite mode work?@Dennis_Johansen


Hi Dennis_johansen,
We've just built a test runner for this.

It would be appreciated if you could run the test and send us the report: http://tr.airdroid.com


If you mean the direct IP+port way of connecting, then it worked the last time I tried, but if that is the solution, I prefer to use alternative software instead of Airdroid - In that way, I could use any other software for this - Software that isn't nearly as bloated...
I used that site on latest stable Chrome (as usual). Apparently without resource problems:
process: 9/9, error: 0, success: 9

The next step failed, which isn't at all surprising, as I don't plan to install airdroid until web.airdroid.com is actually operational again ;-)


Hi Dennis_Johansen,
We've seen another user experiencing similar issue. No sure if it helps, but you may have a try:

Please disable all the extensions of Chrome, refresh the browser by Ctrl+F5 and try again.


@Coffee_Administrator"Please disable all the extensions of Chrome, refresh the browser by Ctrl+F5 and try again."
Uhm... Last time I tried was with a completely new profile in Chrome created exactly for testing purposes - Meaning no extensions/history/cache etc... How exactly would removing what isn't there help? Or force circumventing the cache that was also emptied? (Btw Ctrl+F5 isn't exactly a platform independant shortcut)

Did you try to look at those JS errors and warnings yet? The errors in the console look very similar to the other times...

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier cdn1.airdroid.com/V2091403251438/js/resource_2.js:4
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'init' of undefined config_web.js:1
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.
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