Connectify/ AdHoc Mode, Device not responding

Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:19 pm in AirDroid Web

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Connectify/ AdHoc Mode, Device not responding

I'm using airdroid on my Onex and galaxy tab 10.1 . With the latest airdroid versions .. I'm unable to use airdroid on a wifi network created by connectify.

"Connectify Hotspot is an easy to use software router for Windows
computers that utilizes your PC’s built in Wi-Fi card to wirelessly
share any available Internet connection with friends, co-workers, and
mobile devices."

Login happens fine, Now when I try to do something like click on "Files" icon, it gets stuck with "Device not responding" message. This happens with both the devices on different windows 7 machines.
Now when I connect the devices with a normal wifi network, airdroid works as expected with the same machines.

With 1.0.7 version, it works flawlessly with connectify.


Want to add that I also tried tcp forwarding via adb

adb forward tcp:8888 tcp:8888
adb forward tcp:8889 tcp:8889
adb forward tcp:8890 tcp:8890

Didn't work in connectify environment
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