WiFi Tethering using custom AP name cannot work while logged in

Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:42 pm in AirDroid Web

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WiFi Tethering using custom AP name cannot work while logged in

I'm unable to use AirDroid via WiFi Tethering when I'm using a custom WiFi AP and while I'm logged in to AirDroid.

Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Ensure that AirDroid is logged in via an AirDroid account
2. Enable WiFi AP via Android's native tethering (NOT via AirDroid) using a custom SSID eg. "ABC"
3. In AirDroid, go to Tools > Tethering
4. A popup will appear with loading animation but will never complete.

Steps to reproduce the workaround:
1. Log out from AirDroid account in AirDroid app.
2. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as above.
3. WiFi Tethering will work fine.
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