[FIXED] Connection timing out when connecting to AirDroid in browser...

Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:29 am in AirDroid Web

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[FIXED] Connection timing out when connecting to AirDroid in browser...

Super easy, but TEMPORARY fix for not being able to connect on certain networks. Hopefully the dev's will fix this issue very soon...
This is a pretty simple workaround and is easy to do after the first time so don't be discouraged by all of the following steps.


1. Make sure that your phone and computer are on the same wireless network.
2. Start the AirDroid application as you normally would but remember the port number and password the application gives you. e.g. (
3. Then go to your home screen and press Settings > About > Status. scroll down and locate the current ip address your phone is using for that network.
4. Now open your browser window on your computer and put that ip address in place of the one given to you buy AirDroid but use the same port number. So lets say that the app is giving me "" and the ip address I got from step number 3 is "". I would put "" into my browser and then login with my password as I normally would.

That's it! The only thing I have noticed about this method is that sometimes the app loads without a wallpaper but hey atleast it works.
Please let me know if this helps you guys and you have any questions.


That solved it for me too. Only I had to open my router to find my IP addr for the phone. Couldn't find it in the home/status screen.


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