web.airdroid.com connection to device seems to timeout

Fri May 09, 2014 1:57 am in AirDroid Web

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web.airdroid.com connection to device seems to timeout

I LOVE the ability to text from my work computer without having to take my phone out of my pocket, but it seems like the web.airdroid.com site times out if left idle for a while (about an hour or so). Is there a way to set it to not timeout?


This is particularly annoying when I use AirDroid while working. I will get busy doing something and feel my phone buzz. So I then open the web interface to only see that it's timed out and I have to look at my phone to see what notification caused the buzz. As soon as this is resolved, I'll buy the full version.




Why is this an issue? Just refresh the web page. It takes all of about 3 seconds to come back up again. Go to the settings on the phone and select NO CONFIRMATION so that you don't have to pull your phone out when it reconnects.
If it stays connected persistent then everyone would complain that their data is getting used up too quickly. Even at idle in order for the web page to stay connected it has to ping the phone to keep it awake. So the better alternative is to let the page time out, then just click refresh when you're ready to use it again.


Is that a real comment? First off, this is an issue when I'm working on my computer at work and my wife texts me after its time out. I want it to pop up on my computer screen, but it doesn't because it timed out. So I have to refresh the page which is stupid. Why even have the notification mirroring at all if it times out? Second, I'm connected to WiFi so data is not an issue. So I'm not sure what situation you're involved in.
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