what is this Annoying Massage ???? how Disable it ??

Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:51 pm in AirDroid Web

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what is this Annoying Massage ???? how Disable it ??

hi !! AirDroid is a Big and Great apps and i use it for many many long time !! but recently in new versions of airdroid everytime i connect to airdroid on my browser is see this Annoying massage


its not Annoying for people that have high resolution screen !! but for our 4:3 screen this massage is on quicksend box !!! and everytime that i connect to airdroid i see this massage ,, i click on every button on this slideshow and do anything but this massage is showing to me every time !!!

so , how can i disable it ??? whats your point about this massage ?? you should show me this feauters just FOR ONE TIME !! not for everytime i use it !!! can you give me a solution ?? if not , can i ask you to remove it or move it at next update ???


It's annoying for sure, but if you click somewhere else, like in a blank area in the middle of the desktop, it'll disappear on click.
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