Backup of Apps ... User Apps vs System Apps

Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:12 pm in AirDroid Web

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Backup of Apps ... User Apps vs System Apps

This might be a dumb question but i am using firefox and when i ask to start a backup I don't get to choose the name of the archive from the download app in firefox using winrar. It becomes a problem because I have to go to firefox and change the folder to have one archive for User apps and another for ysstem apps backups... AM i missing something?


Hi didcrywolf,
All files downloaded by AirDroid will be downloaded as a .zip file if you select more than one file. And the name of the zip file is ** (if you download apps, ** is apps).

If you need to change the name, you need to change it after the download complete.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
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