AirDroid Account Sign Out - several times a day

Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:25 am in AirDroid Web

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AirDroid Account Sign Out - several times a day

Hello, i got a problem with mine AirDroid, it sign's out me on mine mobile several times a day. Most common when i connect to my home Wifi network...
Is there a solution that will maintain AirDroid signed and running ALL the time on a phone ?

Thx in advance for help :)


Hi macdrg,
Thanks for your feedback and sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

This is a bug on our side. We've found the cause of it and are working hard on fixing it.

The account will keep signing out on your side. We recommend you using Lite Mode while we are fixing it.

Detailed guide on Lite Mode: ... lite-mode-

Sorry again for the inconvenience this have caused : (
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