Change from Google Sign in to a regular sign in

Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:43 pm in AirDroid Web

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Change from Google Sign in to a regular sign in

Is there a way to change from a Google sign in to a regular sign in?


Hi @keithsmith22,
If you have connected your AirDroid account to your Google account, you can disconnect it in your account setting.

Show as the follow pic:



I successfully changed from a google sign-in to an Airdroid password. The way I did this was to go to the account settings on the website and add a password.

The password page initially showed no current password. I entered my new password and tried to change it, but it complained that it wanted me to enter my current password. I entered the current password on my google account and it accepted that.

When I did that, I got an email warning that the account had been signed out. The device also had a similar warning. I signed in again on the device using the email address and new password and that worked. I then fired up the desktop app, signed in with my email and the new password, and it connected.

I then fired up the desktop app, for which there is no way to sign in with a google account, and signed in with the assigned email address and the new password. The app signed in successfully.
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