Unable to Access Airdroid Through Web.airdroid.com and Airdroid app

Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:33 am in AirDroid Web

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Unable to Access Airdroid Through Web.airdroid.com and Airdroid app

Hello i am unable access my account on web based airdroid and airdroid app also please help me with this. I Tried everything that i can reinstalling app on my phone clearing cache on the phone deleting app data and clearing all cache on my machine also but still not working for me.Image

Re: Unable to Access Airdroid Through Web.airdroid.com and Airdroid app

Same problem here.... sooo frustrating.. esp when you pay for it!!!Image
Coffee Admin

Re: Unable to Access Airdroid Through Web.airdroid.com and Airdroid app

Same problem here.... sooo frustrating.. esp when you pay for it!!!Image 

Hello i am unable access my account on web based airdroid and airdroid app also please help me with this. I Tried everything that i can reinstalling app on my phone clearing cache on the phone deleting app data and clearing all cache on my machine also but still not working for me.Image 

Please send your AirDroid account to support@airdroid.com (please also include the link of this post). Hearst will help you in this. Thanks.
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