Music File Problems

Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:02 am in AirDroid Web

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Music File Problems

When I move my iTunes AAC files over to the airdroid, a couple months ago, it worked. The artist information, album artwork, and album name would all move over flawlessly to my airdroid. If it didn't, I could just make an MP4 file on iTunes, and it would work. However, now, it's not working. I add the file on Airdroid, but when it downloads, only the title moves over with the track number in front of it, and that's it. I tried changing the format like I did before, but iTunes only shows "Change to AIFF", and I can't change it to an MP4 file anymore. Please fix AirDroid so all of my song information can move onto my phone and makes my music organized. I hope I made sense. If I didn't, please let me know. This has been bothering me for a few months now, and I would really like an answer. Thank you.
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