Error when dragging and dropping files and folder into that same folder - copies recursively until out of space.

Sun May 31, 2015 11:52 pm in AirDroid Web

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Error when dragging and dropping files and folder into that same folder - copies recursively until out of space.

EDITED - I hadn't noticed that there were multiple recursions

This only happened because I was not paying attention and dragged and dropped a folder (and other files) into itself. 

While organizing files on my tablet via the web desktop I did the following (all files and folders already on tablet, by the way):

I created a few folders
I selected files to move into one of the folders, only I accidentally selected the destination folder as well,
I dragged the selected folder into itself, along with the selected files.

What happened:
It took a long time, then timed out. After that I found it recursively made copies of the folder and files.

Documents contains the following:
Folder 1
Folder 2
... various files

What I now have is
    Folder 1 (empty)
    Folder 2 
        Folder 2 
            Folder 2
                 Folder 2
        Folder 2 
            Folder 2 
                Folder 2
                     Folder 2
        Folder 2 
            Folder 2 
        Folder 2 
            Folder 2 
                 Folder 2 

(thanks to copy and paste) And so on, up to FIFTEEN layers deep. It looks like it went until it ran out of space, since there is now only 52mb on the drive and it failed to copy the last of the items in the deepest nested layer - and that last item is larger than 52mb.

Please let me know if you need more information.

Thank you!

Re: Error when dragging and dropping files and folder into that same folder - copies recursively until out of space.

Ah, just noticed something more problematic:
When I create a new folder it is selected.That means when I just create a folder and then select items to drag to it the folder will remain selected and be dragged into itself. 

I know linux does not work this way (in any file manager I've used) and I sure think I'd recall if windows or osx did. So, this is likely to trap the unwary and not just the error prone (While I fall into both only the former applied here)

Thank you
Coffee Admin

Re: Error when dragging and dropping files and folder into that same folder - copies recursively until out of space.

Just tried this. Create a new folder and drag the new folder to itself, numerous folders will be created. It's a bug and we'll look into this.


BTW, is your operation that cause this issue the same as the screenshot shows above? Thanks.
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