Phone gets Remote Connection but tablet Local Connection, on same network

Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:00 pm in AirDroid Web

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Phone gets Remote Connection but tablet Local Connection, on same network

I have one annoying issue. I have a phone Sony Xperia Z1 Compact and a tablet Sony Xperia Z2.

When I am home (on same network) and I use my tablet is in Local Connection Mode (always) but my phone is most of the time in Remote Connection Mode (just once in a while it gets in Local Connection Mode). Both devices connected to same network.

What's weird is that when I'm at work my phone always gets Local Connection Mode.

Any idea what can cause this?
Coffee Admin

Re: Phone gets Remote Connection but tablet Local Connection, on same network

I have one annoying issue. I have a phone Sony Xperia Z1 Compact and a tablet Sony Xperia Z2.

When I am home (on same network) and I use my tablet is in Local Connection Mode (always) but my phone is most of the time in Remote Connection Mode (just once in a while it gets in Local Connection Mode). Both devices connected to same network.

What's weird is that when I'm at work my phone always gets Local Connection Mode.

Any idea what can cause this?


Can you check if this helps: [Help & FAQ] Why Remote Connection Mode When the Device and PC Are Connected to the Same Network?
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