Bug - If Message Is Received Right When A Message Is Sent, It Will Never Send, Nor Will Any Future Messages

Sat Mar 12, 2016 9:06 pm in AirDroid Web

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Bug - If Message Is Received Right When A Message Is Sent, It Will Never Send, Nor Will Any Future Messages

I believe I've found a bug which is consistently reproducible. This is reproducible utilizing the local Web UI.

I am experiencing the following issue and it consistently happens dozens of times per day:
  • Type a message and hit Enter (or click Send).
  • If an incoming message is received from the recipient at the very instant you attempt to send, the little 'envelope' sending icon will continue to show.
  • After a period of time, if you look in the default Google Messenger app on the phone itself, you will see a red alert letting you know the message was not sent.
  • If you try to re-send the message on the phone by tapping the error, it will immediately fail to send.
  • No further messages can be sent to the recipient at this point -- all future messages will fail.
The only way I've found to clear this and allow future messages, is to either switch to Airplane Mode, or to force-stop Airdroid.

I tried searching for any existing threads with this issue, to no avail, so my apologies in advance if this is a duplicate.

Re: Bug - If Message Is Received Right When A Message Is Sent, It Will Never Send, Nor Will Any Future Messages

The issue is 100% reproducible now. Nexus 6, 5 days old, stock, no modifications, AT&T. I can send messages all day without this issue, if I send messages directly via the Messenger app on the phone itself. Messages send whether on WiFi or LTE, without ever experiencing this issue.

As soon as I attempt to utilize Airdroid and the Web UI, within only a few messages, the issue will appear.

Looking forward to seeing if anyone else can reproduce this.

Re: Bug - If Message Is Received Right When A Message Is Sent, It Will Never Send, Nor Will Any Future Messages

A week now and this issue is fully reproducible on a stock Nexus 6 and a stock Nexus 5, on AT&T, with either default APNs or all APNs.

This issue does not occur when sending texts from the device, using the default Messenger app.

Within a minute of using Airdroid Web UI to send texts, the issue starts. Uninstalling and discontinuing use of Airdroid.

Thanks for watching? :D
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