Messages (SMS/TXT) Manager Fails to Updatequestion

Tue Jun 21, 2016 3:15 pm in AirDroid Web

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Messages (SMS/TXT) Manager Fails to Update

Dear AirDroid Development Team,

I recently made the yearly purchase after some time of free use. Thank you for a great product, which has saved me from fumbling with the phone while I'm on the computer.

However, I have one issue that I may be wrong, but doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere on the root of this thread: When using the Web version of AirDroid on Chromium Web Browser on Ubuntu 16.04 (If that makes any difference), I can initiate SMS messages outbound, and receive a few messages inbound, but by about the 2nd or 3rd message (will have to confirm), the messages don't show up on the AirDroid Message window. I notice that in most cases, the animation icon for "ongoing message sending" is running. If I close the message window and open it again, the message that didn't show up, is now showing up.

I am using a Samsung Galaxy S5 Active or SM-870 AT&T with rooted to 5.0 (not a fan of 5.0, but nonetheless, what I have at the moment).

Any ideas?

Thank you kindly

Lillian Admin

Re: Messages (SMS/TXT) Manager Fails to Update

Dear AirDroid Development Team,

I recently made the yearly purchase after some time of free use. Thank you for a great product, which has saved me from fumbling with the phone while I'm on the computer.

However, I have one issue that I may be wrong, but doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere on the root of this thread: When using the Web version of AirDroid on Chromium Web Browser on Ubuntu 16.04 (If that makes any difference), I can initiate SMS messages outbound, and receive a few messages inbound, but by about the 2nd or 3rd message (will have to confirm), the messages don't show up on the AirDroid Message window. I notice that in most cases, the animation icon for "ongoing message sending" is running. If I close the message window and open it again, the message that didn't show up, is now showing up.

I am using a Samsung Galaxy S5 Active or SM-870 AT&T with rooted to 5.0 (not a fan of 5.0, but nonetheless, what I have at the moment).

Any ideas?

Thank you kindly


Hi, does that happens all the time? or occasionally?
Christopher Reay

Re: Messages (SMS/TXT) Manager Fails to Update

lillian wrote:
Dear AirDroid Development Team,

I recently made the yearly purchase after some time of free use. Thank you for a great product, which has saved me from fumbling with the phone while I'm on the computer.

However, I have one issue that I may be wrong, but doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere on the root of this thread: When using the Web version of AirDroid on Chromium Web Browser on Ubuntu 16.04 (If that makes any difference), I can initiate SMS messages outbound, and receive a few messages inbound, but by about the 2nd or 3rd message (will have to confirm), the messages don't show up on the AirDroid Message window. I notice that in most cases, the animation icon for "ongoing message sending" is running. If I close the message window and open it again, the message that didn't show up, is now showing up.

I am using a Samsung Galaxy S5 Active or SM-870 AT&T with rooted to 5.0 (not a fan of 5.0, but nonetheless, what I have at the moment).

Any ideas?

Thank you kindly

Hi, does that happens all the time? or occasionally?

I can confirm, nexus 5, exaclty the same issue.

The refresh button works fine, but in general the messages do not update themselves. Messages are sent and the "sending animation" plays on all of them forever.

incoming messages dont show up.

clikcing refresh works perfectly
Christopher Reay
Christopher Reay

Re: Messages (SMS/TXT) Manager Fails to Update

Also, the list on the left hand side showing the latest messages upadates, but not the main pane
Christopher Reay
Charlene Admin

Re: Messages (SMS/TXT) Manager Fails to Update

Also, the list on the left hand side showing the latest messages upadates, but not the main pane

Hi Christopher,how does it work on AirDroid desktop client? :)

Re: Messages (SMS/TXT) Manager Fails to Update

I am not sure if my issue is the same but I have a conversation that has 67 chats( I guess that may be what you call them) but since the latest it goes to my phone but does not go to the app or the web, I will try replying from my phone, the web, and the app and report the results here.

Re: Messages (SMS/TXT) Manager Fails to Update

All three response appeared on my phone and the web but the app only showed the response sent from it, just some additional info the conversation was almost entirely done via the web app on my end, I am on Verizon with an LG K8 V phone and I think the other person may be on AT&T and am not aware of the phone type, I will verify the other parties info if necessary
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