phone ip not accessible from pc

Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:32 pm in AirDroid Web

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phone ip not accessible from pc

problem is already fixed, i still document it here, in case it helps anyone else.

after installing and starting the service i couldn't reach the shown ip. phone is a nexus s with android 4.0.3 (build IML74K). no software firewall installed on pc. phone is connected through wifi, pc through 1gbit/s-lan, no vlans.

- shown ip ok (checked on phone and router)
- tried to ping from pc to phone - not working
- tried to ping from router (fortigate/linux) to phone - works

- installed terminal emulator on phone and pinged pc from phone - works
- tried again to ping from pc to phone - works now

perhaps ICS has some sort of software-firewall, at least on the nexus s?
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