Airdroid web not refreshing messages

Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:39 pm in AirDroid Web

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Airdroid web not refreshing messages

Hey there,

I've been using airdroid for some years on my Samsung Galaxy S3, and everything worked fine, the messages would appear correctly on airdroid web, if i read them they would have been marked as read on the phone too. Now I've got a Samsung Galaxy S6 and got some problems : most of the times I get a sms and it doesn't appear on the messages box, but if I hit the refresh button they appear. Also when I read a message, on the phone it doesn't get marked as read. *i'm using mightytext just to get the sms notifications on chrome, on mightytext they show up fine*.

Re: Airdroid web not refreshing messages

anyone ?

Re: Airdroid web not refreshing messages

Same here. In addition, the web app constantly disconnect from my phone. A few MAJ ago, all of this worked perfectly fine. I'm not sure if it's an airdroid problem or due to the last android OS. I'm using the latest android 7.0.
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