Open SMS Message Window Not Updating

Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:49 pm in AirDroid Web

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Open SMS Message Window Not Updating

Browser: Firefox v11.0

Desktop OS: Windows 7 Enterprise x64 w/Service Pack 1

Android device: myTouch 4G (HTC Glacier)

Android OS version: v2.3.5 (rooted)


Here is what is currently happening...

I have the main AirDroid window open in my browser. When I receive an SMS message, the "Messages" icon updates and shows the red balloon with the new message count. I then click on the "Messages" icon and the list of previous conversations opens. I click on the contact who just sent me the SMS. Then, the conversation window for that contact opens up and it shows the SMS that was just sent.

So far, I believe this is all normal behavior. The problem I'm seeing is that when the contact sends another SMS to me while I have that contact's conversation window open, the conversation does not update. The "Messages" icon (now in the background) updates and shows the red balloon with the new message count but the conversation window does not show the newly received SMS. I have to either close and reopen the contact conversation window or hit the "Refresh" button.

Everything used to work when I used the stock SMS app but I have since started using GO SMS Pro. So, after this lengthy message, my question is...Is GO SMS Pro compatible with AirDroid? If so, is there an option I have set incorrectly that is causing this behavior?

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Thanks for the feedback. We are aware of this and are making improvement. Please stay tuned for next udpate.
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Hey Ryan, I'll give this post a +1. I'm in the same boat, and happy to hear you guys are taking a look into this. This is still currently the case with me even with the most up-to-date version (as of today).


Same behaviour for me - also, if I have a chat window open and send a message, that message doesn't appear in the chat window until I click refresh. It'd be great if newly sent/received messages appeared immediately without having to manually click Refresh :)

I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Note (GT-N7000) running Android 4.0.3 and Airdroid 1.0.9 beta.


Same for me. Been using AirDroid for about a week and love it so far.
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