Abnormal Screen

Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:59 pm in AirDroid Web

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Abnormal Screen

My apologize if this post had been posted by others, because this is urgent for me...

Please help me, I got some issue with this AirDroid when I logged in to website and connect to my device (Galaxy Ace)...When I try to transfer some media, I think I abuse double click mouse onto something by accident (due my mouse starting abnormal), and then the main screen for transfer moving down like in this picture...

Please guide me, is this some bug / not?...Because I've been restarting AirDroid for many times in PC and my device, and try to re-installing AirDroid on my device as well, but nothing happened, and still leaving with this abnormal screen...
I had uploading this picture for this explanation...

Thanks a lot for helping me to solve this issue... :)


Same problem here.....
I don't know when or with what it happened but it is very difficult to work with it now!
I don't know what kind of ROM/Software you are running, but maybe it have got something to do with it?
I am running custom ICS!

If someone got a solution it would be great!



so your browser in air-droid scrolls all the way to the bottom and wont let you scroll back up ?, try right clicking at the top ( on scroll-bar line) or pointing ur mouse to scroll-bar and moving mouse-wheel maybe that way it wont set off what is causing the bug(ie allow u to move scroll-bar) - does everything else work as normal ? , or the pane is showing in back ground (in this case try changeing browsers/ updating browser) ? im sorry ur words were a bit confusing
(for other that may be able to help)
the code that is having problems seems to be:



@ Lars_1808hmm, I'm using Custom ROM CyanogenMod 7.1, but this bug is never happened before...
but wait, now my screen looks normal again...
I don't know if that's because I'm not connect AirDroid for a few days / something else...
anyway, thanks for your comment... :)

@ Dark0Tricks
so sorry if my words make you confused...I mean, I'm connecting AirDroid using the browser in PC and entering the address of AirDroid, because that was how to work, isn't it?...
if you ask me what the browser I'm use, I'm using Google Chrome...from that day, this accident happened when I give some pressure to 'left click' of my mouse without scrolling mouse wheel...

it's okay, thanks for your suggestion and your comment, but I'm postpone doing your suggestion, because now it's already normal again...I still don't know yet what the main cause of this bug... :)


I've been experiencing this problem, I've just realised that it happens when the zoom level in chrome is set to 110%, and also 75%, so if it happens again just adjust the zoom level and it should fix it straight away!


All the colors of the screen display from AirDroid to my Linux (Firefox) system are inverse. Any fix for this?

Also no way to turn in landscape and enlarge to my full HD monitor screen?

Have Sony Xperia Play 2.3.3 (rooted)
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