Crash After Idling

Fri May 04, 2012 5:36 am in AirDroid Web

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Crash After Idling

On AirDroid 1.0.5 on a SPH-D710 (Sprint variant of Galaxy S2) running stock Android 2.3.6. After letting logging into AirDroid and letting it sit for a few minutes, then send a SMS through AirDroid, then if I unlock the phone and try to exit or enter the stock SMS app there's a huge lag time (10-15 seconds) where it just sits at a black screen. AirDroid closes, the message is shown as sent in the SMS app and AirDroid restarts. Web interface says that the Device closed the app and I must relogin. Had a similar issue before 1.0.5 where there was still that lagtime at the black screen but AirDroid didn't close and no relogin was required. Occasionally it doesn't restart but it says that AirDroid isn't responding and asks if I want to wait, force close etc right when the SMS app responds and get off the black screen.

No active applications running besides AirDroid and stock SMS app.
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